
      The CareyAward for Outstanding Amateur Effort!         Western2 Award

Website Reviewers Comments

"Congratulations on winning the Award of Merit! Because the award is very prestigious, that means that your site is one of the absolute best on the Internet. Many sites enter, but very few make the cut. Your site has met and surpassed the award requirements for The Award of Merit. This award symbolizes excellence and high quality standards, all demonstrated by your website. Again, we extend our sincerest congratulations to you for the hard work you invested in creating a successful website."

"I have now reviewed your site and wish to Congratulate you on producing a wonderful site. Keep up the excellent work."

"Your website has given pleasure to my Evaluation Panel Members during the evaluation process and we are fully aware that much time and effort goes into the creation of websites. We thank you for inviting us to visit with you and for your assisting through your website to make the World Wide Web a more pleasant area."

 Awards 1

Awards 2

Awards 4