
From: "Per-Gunnar Eriksson" (
Organization: Swedish Broadcasting Corporation
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 15:58:08 +0001
Subject: If Beatles Programmed

Something in the way it fails,
Something in the way it coredumps...
I don't want to leave it now
I'll fix this problem somehow
Somewhere in the memory I know,
A pointer's got to be corrupted.
Stepping in the debugger will show me...
I don't want to leave it now
I'm too close to leave it now
You're asking me can this code go?
I don't know, I don't know...
What sequence causes it to blow?
I don't know, I don't know...
Something in the initializing code?
And all I have to do is think of it!
Something in the listing will show me...
I don't want to leave it now
I'll fix this tonight I vow!

Other possible songs about computers:

        I Want to Hold Your LAN
        A Hard Disk Night
        Yellow Subroutine