The Next World War - Bringing it home

“In this new world, the soldier will be the young geek in uniform who can insert a virus into Teheran's electricity supply to plunge the city into darkness." -- James Adams, "The Next World War"

WAR - A contention by force; or the art of paralysing the forces of an enemy.
War is not only an act, but a state or condition, for nations are said to be at war not only when their armies are engaged, so as to be in the very act of contention, but also when, they have any matter of controversy or dispute subsisting between them which they are determined to decide by the use of force, and have declared publicly, or by their acts, their determination so to decide it.

However, looking at the prevailing situation in the world, we note that most of the countries in the world today are in extremely precarious positions and we seem to be at the brink of another world war. While doing my research on the topic I was reminded of the atrocities of war and of the disastrous effects of the Atom Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My study only strengthened my resolve to work towards a better tomorrow and prevent similar circumstances occurring in the future. I hope that this report outlines not only war in the past but helps us look towards the future so that we may prevent the next world war from ever happening. The bottomline – Peace.

Has the computer chip changed the nature of warfare? Will it eventually change war beyond current recognition? James Adams, the former defence correspondent and Washington bureau chief for the London Sunday Times, believes that information will become the ultimate weapon and that future battlegrounds will be everywhere we live and work. While the weapons and technology of war will improve beyond even technofiction's expectations, it's the "information warfare" that will be critical in foreign wars and in the war against domestic crime.

We've already seen some of what is to come in the Gulf War's camera-equipped smart bombs. Soldiers can now be equipped with hand-held computers that can send messages and information back to superiors. And among the weapons to come: microwave cannons; plasma guns; devices that can see, smell, and hear; and even robotic "ants" that can swarm and explode around the enemy. Soldiers will wear uniforms powered by body heat that automatically relay important information back to their base camp. Helmets will be able to locate incoming fire, help a soldier see under all kinds of conditions, and locate others in a patrol.

The ability to attack an enemy's civilian infrastructure, such as communication networks, air traffic control, bridges and dams, and electric grids, will be part of the new era of war. With the advanced state of digital imaging, misinformation campaigns in enemy countries can take on a much more convincing role. All it takes is for one country to have a few skilled hackers, and suddenly the number of troops, the hardware, and the nuclear devices don't matter. Could there be an "electronic Pearl Harbour?"

There has been little public debate about how much information warfare is being planned for and how much is already in place, even though it affects our future so dramatically. "As David proved against Goliath, strength can be beaten. America today looks uncomfortably like Goliath, arrogant in its power, armed to the teeth, ignorant of its weakness." - James Adams in 'The Next World War.

The Next World War

The Scenario surrounding 'Cyberwar'

Worldwide Concern over Information Warfare

The Next World War could be waged on the internet

The Significance of the Information Age

World War 3 Blues - What Bob Dylan has to say about this

Acknowledgements/References –
The Next World War: Computers Are the Weapons & the Front Line Is Everywhere, by James Adams. © August 1998, James Adams.

Truth is the first casualty of cyberwar by George Smith (the editor of The Crypt Newsletter, an Internet publication about computer crime and information warfare), Wall Street Journal, September 8, 1998, © 1998. Dow Jones & Company, Inc

Mary C. Fitzgerald's response to having her report written up with regards to the Gulf War virus hoax in the 'Netly News'.

George Tenet, on February 5, 1997, (then the proposed Director of Central Intelligence), during his confirmation hearings addressing the Senate Intelligence Committee, U.S.A.


External links from where I derived some of the info chronicled

The Next World War: Computers Are the Weapons & the Front Line Is Everywhere

The Next Balkan War


Famous last words: "In this new world, the soldier will be the young geek in uniform who can insert a virus into Teheran's electricity supply to plunge the city into darkness." -- James Adams, "The Next World War"

The Next World War: Computers are the Weapons and the Front Line is Everywhere

The Next World War: Computers are the Weapons and the Front Line is Everywhere - 2

Wednesday February 16 10:05 AM ET NATO And Russia Agree to Revive Ties

Preparing for World War Web